Kaiser natron wikipedia
Kaiser natron wikipedia

kaiser natron wikipedia

The surrounding bedrock is composed of alkaline, sodium-dominated trachyte lavas that were laid down during the Pleistocene period. The alkalinity of the lake can reach a pH of greater than 12. High levels of evaporation have left behind natron ( sodium carbonate decahydrate) and trona (sodium sesquicarbonate dihydrate). Temperatures at the lake are frequently above 40 ☌ (104 ☏). The surrounding area receives irregular seasonal rainfall, mainly between December and May totalling 800 millimetres (31 in) per year. The lake is a maximum of 57 kilometres (35 mi) long and 22 kilometres (14 mi) wide. It is quite shallow, less than three metres (9.8 ft) deep, and varies in width depending on its water level.

kaiser natron wikipedia

The lake is fed principally by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River, which rises in central Kenya, and by mineral-rich hot springs.

kaiser natron wikipedia

Numerous near-white salt-crust "rafts" pepper the shallowest parts of the lake (inset). Fault scarps and the Gelai Volcano can also be seen. The complete list of the wetlands is accessible on the Ramsar Sites Information Service website.The southern half of Lake Natron (top). As of August 2022, 170 states have acceded to the convention and designated 2,455 sites to the list, covering 255,897,678 hectares (632,336,930 acres) two other states have acceded to the convention but have yet to designate any sites. Contracting parties are grouped into six "regions": Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. The Ramsar List organizes the Ramsar sites according to the contracting party that designated each to the list. The convention establishes that "wetlands should be selected for the list on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology." Over the years, the Conference of the Contracting Parties has adopted more specific criteria interpreting the convention text. This is the list of Wetlands of International Importance as defined by the Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands, recognizing the fundamental ecological functions of wetlands and their economic, cultural, scientific, and recreational value.

Kaiser natron wikipedia